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Welcome to our class page. This site will allow you to navigate your way through classroom expectations, items you'll need for class, my contact information, a basic unit overview, and perhaps a little inspiration or food for thought too.

Be Present

Showing up to class regularly and on time will go a long way towards your overall success. We all have emergencies and/or fall ill from time to time, the question is, what are you doing the rest of the time to make sure that you're present for class and contributing to your peer groups? 

Be Passionate

This goes beyond a catchy slogan. Chasing your dreams and achieving your goals feels a lot less like "work" when you're passionate about what you're doing and trying to accomplish. Passion and enthusiasm will carry you to scuccess in all facets of your life. They will move you in the right direction whether it be in school, with your family, at work,  or in relationships.

Set Goals

Goal setting is a way of challenging yourself each day, each week, each month, and each year. People who experience success set goals. After all, "The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; the realisticness of your goals; and how you handle dissapointment along the way." 

Work Hard

Are you being honest with yourself when asked how hard you're working? People see the word "work" and give it a negative connotation. However, when you're present at what you're doing, passionate about your craft, and setting relaistic goals...working hard becomes easy, and best of all, enjoyable.

Room 115 & 116

English I & II will be held in-person in classroom 116. Newspaper will run out of room 115. 

English I

These classes are taught periods 2 and 3. 

English II

These classes are taught periods 4 and 5. 


Newspaper is taught period 1.  

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